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Bekehrung: Vom Straftäter zum Gefängnisseelsorger

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Der Ex- Investmentbanker und Toryminister Jonathan Aitken, wegen Meineids verurteilt, wird nach Verbüßung seiner Freiheitsstrafe Gefängnisseelsorger


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Then, this week, Aitken will meet Sarah Mullally, the new Bishop of London, before — hallelujahs all round — he is ordained at St Paul’s Cathedral, no less, on June 30. “I am having a slight struggle tempering my enthusiasm with proper Christian humility,” says Aitken, in his layperson’s navy suit, beaming like an overeager Bible salesman...


After his release Aitken headed to “the only place in Britain that had worse food and plumbing than a prison” — Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, to study theology. ..



vor 2 Stunden schrieb Wunibald:

After his release Aitken headed to “the only place in Britain that had worse food and plumbing than a prison” — Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, to study theology. ..

:lol::lol::lol:Zitat ist natürlich aus der Times

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